
Tuesday 29 May 2018

Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Fill in the blanks

CBSE Class 6 Science 

Chapter 1: Food Where Does It Come From

Fill in the blanks

  1. Animals which eat only plant or plant products are called ------------------------
  2. Animals which eat other animals are called ---------------------------
  3. Animals which eat both animals and plants are called -------------------
  4. The example for a herbivores animal is ---------------------.
  5. Dog is an example for a --------------------animal.
  6. The example for the carnivores animals is  -------------------.
  7. ------------ is an example for a plant which has many edible parts in it.
  1. herbivores
  2. carnivores
  3. omnivores
  4. cow
  5. omnivores
  6. lion
  7. Banana plant

Class 6 Science Chapter 1 Additional Questons

CBSE Class 6 Science 

Chapter 1: Food Where Does It Come From

Additional Questions

  1. Name the parts of the plants which we eat as food
  2. What types of food do we get from animals?
  3. How do we get honey?
  4. What is meant by Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores animals. Give two examples each 
  1. The parts of the plants we eat are fruits, stem, seeds, leafs, flowers, roots.
  2. Animals provide us milk, eggs and meat, fish and poultry. We can make various products from milk.
  3. Bees make and store honey in the beehive from the nectar of flowers, when the flowers and their nectar are available. We collect the food stored by the bees as honey.
  4. The animals which eat only plants and plant products are called herbivores. Examples for herbivores are cow and goat. The animals which eat other animals are carnivores. Examples for carnivores are lion and tiger. The animals which eat both plants and other animals are called omnivores animals. Examples of omnivores animals are dogs and rats

CBSE Class 8 Mathematics Chapter 2: Linear Equations in one variable Fill in the blanks

CBSE Class 8 Mathematics Chapter 2: Linear Equations in one variable Fill in the blanks The expression which represents "...