
Friday 8 June 2018

CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Additional Questions

CBSE Class 6 Science 

Chapter 2: Components of Food 

Additional Questions

  1. What is meant by nutrients? What are the nutrients present in our food?
  2. How can we find the presence of carbohydrates in our food?
  3. Explain the test to find the presence of protein in our food
  4. Why does the foods containing proteins are called body building foods?
  5. Give a short note of vitamins its functions, types with examples
  6. What is roughage? What is it function in our body? What are different sources of roughage?
  7. How does water is useful in the functioning of our body?
  8. What is meant by balanced diet?
  9. What is meant by deficiency diseases? Explain with two examples  
  1. Nutrients are components present in the food, which is required for your body. The major nutrients present in our food are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
  2. In order to test the presence of starch in the food item or a raw ingredient, we need to add 2-3 drops of dilute iodine solution into it. If the colour of food item/raw ingredient changes to blue-black, it shows the presence of starch in it.
  3. In order to test the food item for protein, take it in a test tube. If it is in solid state, we need to powder or mash it and then dilute it with few drops of water, before doing the test. Then in the test tube add two drops of Copper Sulphate and ten drops of Caustic Soda into it. The colour of the food items changes to violet, which indicates the presence of protein in it.
  4. Proteins helps in the growth of the our body. It also help us to repair the damaged cells and tissues. Hence the food containing protein are called 'body building foods'.
  5. Vitamins help in protecting our body against diseases, keeping our eyes, bones, teeth and gums healthy. There are different kinds of vitamins required for our body. They are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K etc. Our body needs all types of vitamins in small quantities. Vitamin A keeps our skin and eyes healthy. Vitamin C helps body to fight against many diseases. Vitamin D helps our body to use calcium for bones and teeth
  6. Roughage are dietary fibres, helps our body to get rid of undigested food. Even though it does not provide any nutrients to our body, it is essential component of our food. The main source of roughage are plant products such as whole grains and pulses, potatoes, fresh fruits and vegetables
  7. Water helps our body to absorb nutrients from food. It also helps in throwing out some wastes from body as urine and sweat.
  8. The Balanced diet is the diet which contains all the the nutrients that our body needs, in right quantities. It is required for the growth and maintenance of good health . The balanced diet will also contain a good amount of roughage and water. 
  9. Diseases that occur due to lack of nutrients over a long period are called deficiency diseases. Two examples for deficiency diseases are Scurvy and goiter. Scurvy is caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin C and Goiter is due the lack of Iodine in our food.

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