
Friday 29 June 2018

CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants Additional Questions

CBSE Class 6 Science 

Chapter 7: Getting to Know Plants

Additional Questions

  1. How the plants are classified based on their characteristics? Explain with examples
  2. What is the difference between climbers and creepers? Give examples.
  3. What is the function of a stem in a plant?
  4. Explain the two parts of the leaves
  5. What is leaf venation? Explain its types with examples
  6. What is transpiration?
  7. What is photosynthesis?
  8. What is mean by fibrous roots? Give examples of plants having fibrous roots
  9. How does the different plants of plants function?
  10. What are the main parts of a plant?
  11. What is difference between petals and sepals?
  12. How does the type of roots is related to the leaf venations?
  13. What is stamen? What are its parts?
  14. What is pistil? what are its parts?
  15. What are ovules?


  1. Based on these characters most plants can be classified into three categories: herbs, shrubs and trees. Plants with green and tender stems are called herbs. They are usually short and may not have many branches. Example for herbs are mint, coriander, rice etc. Some plants have the stem branching out near the base. Plants are having hard but not very thick stems are called shrubs. Some examples for shrub are lemon, tulsi, rose etc. Plants with very tall, hard and thick brown stem are called trees.They have branches in the upper part, much above the ground.  Example for trees are banyan, peepal and neem.
  2. Plants with weak stems that cannot stand upright and spread on the ground are called creepers, while those that take support on neighbouring structures and climb up are called climbers. Example for creepers are watermelon and pumpkin and examples for climbers are jasmine and grapes
  3. Stems give support to the plants. It carries water and minerals to leaves. It carries the food prepared by the leaves to all the other parts of the plant.
  4. The two parts of the leaf are petiole and lamina. Petiole is the part of the leaf by which it is attached to stem, while lamina is the broad green part of the leaf.
  5. The design made by veins in a leaf is called the leaf venation. If this design is net-like on both sides of midrib, it is called reticulate venation. Example for reticulate venation are the leaves of mango, guava and hibiscus.  If the veins of the leaves are parallel to one another, it is called parallel venation. Examples of parallel venation are the leaves of grass, bamboo, wheat etc
  6. Transpiration is the evaporation of water from the plants to air. Plants release water vapour through their leaves.
  7. Photosynthesis is the process of preparation of food by the leaves of plants using carbon dioxide, water and chlorophyll in the presence of sunlight.  Oxygen is given out in this process
  8. Fibrous roots are roots in which all the roots are similar and it does not have any main root. Example of plants which has fibrous roots are banana, wheat grass etc
  9. In plants, roots absorb water and minerals from the soil and the stem conducts these to leaves and other parts of the plant. The leaves prepare food by using water,chlorophyll and carbon dioxide from the air in the presence of sunlight.  This food travels through the stem and is stored in different parts of a plant. We eat the different parts of the plant where the food is stored.
  10. The main parts of a plant are stem, leaves, roots and flowers.
  11. Petals are the prominent parts of the open flower.It is the coloured big leaf like structures of a flower.  Different flowers have petals of different colours. Sepals are the small green leaf like structures of the flower.
  12. The plants having tap roots have reticulate venation, where as the the plants having fibrous roots have parallel venation.
  13. Stamens are the male part of a flower. It has two parts, they are filament and anther
  14. The innermost part of a flower is called a pistil. It has three parts, they are style, stigma and ovary.
  15. Ovules are small bead like structures inside the ovary.

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